Connect & Flourish

Dr Kelly’s post-graduation experience is one that many people can relate to. After graduation, most of her friend group moved away, leaving her feeling a sense of loneliness and disconnection. She tried to find a sense of community by joining various social groups, but it was difficult to find a real sense of belonging. Realizing the importance of community, she made a conscious effort to strengthen her existing friendships and build a community around her. Community and social capital play a vital role in our physical, mental, and emotional health, as demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic, where many of us experienced feelings of isolation and loneliness. By prioritizing building and maintaining strong relationships, Dr Kelly was able to create a supportive network that brought her a sense of belonging and connection.

Connect and Flourish events are designed to provide opportunities for others to find connection and foster friendships with individuals that share similar interests. More information coming soon…